I’m Kyle Buchanan, author of the book “Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road.” I also cover Oscar season for the New York Times. AMA!

Hey there, Reddit. My new book is an oral history of George Miller’s action masterpiece “Mad Max: Fury Road,” out today (2/22). The making of the movie was every bit as eye-popping as what they put onscreen, and I convinced over 130 key players — including Miller and stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy — to speak candidly about what went on behind the scenes.My day job is covering Hollywood and awards season in my New York Times column The Projectionist, so I’m happy to talk about “Fury Road” or anything else that's movie-related. Let’s go!PROOF: https://ift.tt/45lSinh via /r/movies https://ift.tt/qLiCpm5

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