Frankie Muniz just shared my screenplay page for "Agent Cody Banks 3: Aging Cody Banks"

I like to write at least one screenplay page a day to keep myself fresh, even if I do not have a writing-in-progress, so I will often write a page for a sequel or spin-off to a movie I love that will never be made as a script that will never be finished. It is a fun exercise and it lets me imagine what a Princess Diaries/Legally Blonde crossover would look like without fully committing all my free time to it.I'm the guy who wrote the Muppets Great Gatsby script that went viral last year so I have experience with getting sudden writing attention... but this was different.Frankie Muniz made a post about how funny it would be to make a new movie with the character of Cody Banks at age 36 so I shared a page for what an Agent Cody Banks 3 screenplay would look like. Frankie Muniz almost immediately shared it himself! It was such a cool shout-out that has made my day, I can remember renting those movies from Blockbuster all the time when I was a kid and now... this actor I grew up with has read something I wrote!My advice to aspiring screenwriters is to always put yourself out there. I needed that boost today of someone saying they enjoy my writing and it came from the most unlikely but touching source. via /r/movies

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