Few actors had the kind of run that Tommy Lee Jones enjoyed between 1993 and 1998

Starting with House of Cards and The Fugitive in 1993, Jones then went on to be in 16 more movies between that year and 1998, inclusively. From Batman Forever to US Marshals to Men in Black to Volcano to Natural Born Killers, Jones was everywhere.Thing I was always curious about, and I was only a teen then who didn't really know much about movies, is why? Why was Jones such a draw for producers/directors? If anyone is aware of a quote from a Hollywood insider on Jones' appeal back then, please share.Also, 18 movies in around 6 years...dude must have been exhausted! No wonder in the 2000s he only appeared in around a film a year. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/r782DfH

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