Need help identifying a movie for my dad who has dementia

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask something like this.My dad has dementia and one of the quirks of people with dementia is that while they're continuously losing their memories they often get fixated on certain things that they can't remember. And while you or I would stop thinking about it and then at some point in the future we have that aha! i remember Ben Hur thats the movie I was thinking of. A person with dementia will never have that eureka moment. So hes been trying to remember this one specific random movie for the last week and I can't find anything resembling it for the life of me.His description of the movie is that it is somewhat older, he thought Peter Sellers was in it, although I couldnt find a movie he was in that fits the description, but it is not black and white.It is a dark comedy set in a castle on an island, and there is no bridge, you have to take a ferry in order to get to the castle. The main character is a man who lives alone and is visited by a female friend who drives her car on the ferry to come. Her car breaks down when she tries to leave so she stays the night and somehow the guy accidentally kills her and the rest of the movie is him dimwittingly trying to figure out how to hide the body. And at some point there is a topless sunbathing scene on top of the castle.With this as his description I'm sure you can see why I'm having trouble finding it lol. But if this sounds like a movie any of you have scene I would really appreciate the help identifying it ! Thanks via /r/movies

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