Beauty and the Beast Major Plot Hole

So after watching beauty and the beast, I’m pretty sure the leading cause of poverty in that village is rapid inflation, due to Gaston’s egg consumption. Eating 5 dozen eggs per day, puts him on pace for nearly 22,000 eggs a year. That’s about 400 X an average person. Based on the size of the village, that would probably overnight double egg demand. Since it predates industrialized farming, the price of eggs would skyrocket, throwing the entire economy of the village off balance. The hero of that story was the beast, but not for the love part, but balancing the economy. Unless they already increased egg production to match his demand. In which case he’s really the villain for overnight destroying egg demand. I could imagine egg production would have been big business at that point. And since the government was turned into furniture, there was no economic regulation to deal with this impact. No government bailouts of the vital egg industry. Regardless there would be some serious economic implications to Gaston’s death, that they really didn’t cover in the movie. via /r/movies

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