One of the movies that I enjoyed as a kids, but realized as an adult is really really bad is The Master of Disguise (2002)

I was born in the early 90s so my perspective is a little different than the younger generation. I didn't get internet until I was 16 and even then it was a desktop. I didn't get a cell phone until I was 20 and had a job. I didn't have cable or satellite unless I visited my dad on the weekends. So my entertainment came from dvds and vhs tapes. One of the movies I got was the Master of Disguise. As a kid I thought it was goofy and hey I was an immature kid. As an adult though it's insufferable. Dana Carvey is so annoying in this movie and most of it is just him making weird voices and one off characters. It's not good. The only saving grave is this one glorious joke.All Devlin Bowman's Laugh Farts Master of Disguise (With Pool Fart) - YouTube via /r/movies

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