New Every Frame a Painting Video Essay in Netflix Series Voir

For anyone who is or used to be a fan of Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos' Youtube channel Every Frame a Painting, this is a PSA that they contributed new video essays to the recently released Netflix series Voir. I couldn't find any posts on here about it so I figured I would make one for those of you, like myself, are fans of their work. Tony's episode in the series focuses on Park Chan-wook's Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and the genre of revenge films. It feels like he had a lot of control over the editing of the episode because it is formatted very similarly to his other video essays.For anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, Every Frame a Painting was a youtube channel that was an early pioneer of the video essay, and some consider them the best to ever do it. Their videos are still worth a watch to this day, including his episode on Voir.EDIT: As many in the comments are pointing out, and in hindsight, I should have felt more necessary to include in the original post, Taylor Ramos is the other half of Every Frame a Painting and also has narrating and directing credits on Voir. This post was to bring awareness to new work from the Every Frame a Painting team and so both their work on multiple episodes should be properly credited in this post. The episode mentioned above is just the only one narrated by Tony Zhou. His and Taylor's work is featured on other episodes as well. via /r/movies

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