Arlington Road (1999) starring Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins... Can we talk about this 20+ year old movie that's more timely now than ever? (Spoilers)

Just saw it for the first time last night... This movie is a great little, mostly-forgotten 90's thriller!!! SPOILERS AHEAD... Tim Robbins is great at playing the creepy bad guy who gets close to his neighbor for nefarious reasons. The way this movie takes the real-life circumstances of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 and Ruby Ridge incident of 1992, and adds a kind of dark, twisted sub-plot connecting them, is masterful. Again, something about Tim Robbins makes him an excellent choice for a villain. It's his eyes. I appreciate that the movie didn't make him a comic book, over-the-top bad guy... more of the quiet, mysterious, bubbling-under-the-surface lunatic who could live right next door to you.Also just wanted to observe how, in today's unfortunate time with some American citizens trying to hurt or kill each other over political differences, this movie is now more relevant 20 years later.Who else liked this thriller? What did you think of it? via /r/movies

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