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Betty White Documentary Screening To Salute 100th Birthday Will Go On As Planned

https://ift.tt/3eLoyJL via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3sN0yy...

Nicolas Cage has been in 100 narrative feature films. I watched all 100 in 2021.

At the beginning of the year, my goal was to watch 30 films from a different actor/actress every month. I ripped the idea off a friend who came up with a "30 Days of Costner" list, which I then preceded to steal his list and complete that task. I then did months for Marion Cotillard, Meryl Streep, Danny DeVito, and Nic...

Half in the Bag: The Matrix Resurrections

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpSo4fu1rgM via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3JwWDv...

Will Arnett Replaces Armie Hammer In Taika Waititi’s Soccer Movie ‘Next Goal Wins’

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Golden Girls actress Betty White dies after 80-year career

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Taron Edgerton not being nominated for Best Actor in Rocketman a year after Rami Malek won for Bohemian Rhapsody is criminal.

I am mostly upset that Edgerton’s performance wasn’t even recognized with a nomination considering that he actually sang in the movie. Taron crushed that performance. The Malek comparison is just there because he did less than Taron. Malek didn’t sing for his film and in that same year, beat out an actor that did sing...

Jenny hits different as a traumatised adult just trying to get by in life.

I recently watched Forrest Gump, Last time I watched it I was probably about 13/14, I'm now 28. I remember as a kid not liking Jenny as a character because of the obvious reasons - e.i, Jenny being a neurotypical functioning adult who crossed a boundary with someone with impaired mental abilities who she strung along...

Encanto's attention to detail is amazing.

I am a natural born and raised Colombian and watched Encanto a few days ago, I decided to re-watch it to look for plot holes and issues (there's a couple that cannot be ignored). But in general it's amazing just how many little nods to Colombian culture there are.For example, when Antonio gets his gift, Camilo is in the...

The 2nd act of Matrix Revolutions (battle of Zion) is simply exhausting. Are there any other action movies that "lost you" like this?

I'm almost finished with the original Matrix trilogy right now, since I had never seen the sequels before. Reloaded was... good, would've been a lot better if it weren't as bloated and unsatisfying in the end.But holy shit, Revolutions really shit the bed after a fairly cool 1st act. Once the battle of Zion starts, it...

Who’s the most unbearable character you’ve come across?

In other words, if you had to spend time with a movie character, who would drive you insane?For me it’s gotta be John Cusack’s character in High Fidelity. The whole time I couldn’t get over how much of a prick he was. I loved the movie and his character because I was able to be so roused by him, but god damn I was thinking...

Nicolas Cage Doesn’t Consider Himself an Actor: ‘I Like the Word Thespian’

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Dwayne Johnson has publicly declined Vin Diesel’s request to rejoin Fast 10

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Retro poster for ‘Scream’ 2022

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The Bridge on the River Kwai (1958) is a MONUMENTAL film. One of those cases where the Academy got it right and awarded Best Picture to a film that deserved it.

I recently saw the Bridge on the River Kwai on 4K. I've got to say, this is one of those movies that lives up to its reputation.​The movie presents an incredible twist. Col. Nicholson opposes Saito at the beginning, only to then make friends with him and cooperate. He decides that even though he's an enemy, the British...

Zack Snyder shares concept art for his upcoming movie “Rebel Moon” on his VERO account

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What are the best examples of heroes trying their best and being defeated?

I find this to be a really intriguing and exciting concept. My two favorite examples are :The Matrix : Morpheus vs Agent SmithSpider-Man : final fight with Green GoblinHeroes, for the most part, always win the fight with minimal consequence or damage/danger. These two examples for me elevated those films even higher,...

I’m a climate scientist. ‘Don’t Look Up’ captures the madness I see every day | Film

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In honor of the late John Madden who passed away yesterday, I give you one of my favorite movies from the year 2000, The Replacements

The Replacements is my guilty pleasure movie that I can almost always have playing in the background. And that's saying something, with Memento, Gladiator, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, X-Men, Space Cowboys, Erin Brockovich, Billy Elliot, Men of Honor, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, and Almost Famous also on my favorites...

The careers of Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg form a fascinating contrast with each other.

As the two big holdouts of directors who began their careers in the New Hollywood era, the filmography of Scorsese and Spielberg always fascinated me especially the contrast between both of their careers.Both of them were snubbed for Best Director for their breakout films ( Jaws and Taxi Driver) even though the movie...

The Normalizing of Horrible Christmas Movies Must Be Stopped

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Someone re-edited the Nicole Kidman AMC intro so that she’s nerding out to horror movies. And it’s amazing.

https://youtu.be/_9S7UHdhIfI via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3FD9yc...

If you haven’t seen the movie “Incendies”, please go watch

This movie only came up on my radar cause I’ve recently binged Denis Villeneuve movies (sicario, prisoners, and arrival), which were all amazing. Incendies is not as well known by him, but I decided to watch it cause I’ve enjoyed his other work so muchAnd oh my god.... that movie was a roller coaster of emotions. I’ve...

Why Sneering Critics Dislike Netflix’s ‘Don’t Look Up,’ But Climate Scientists Love It

https://ift.tt/3ewbOqt via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3eyoKM...

10 Cloverfield Lane has the best opening of any of the three cloververse films.

spoilers for the cloverfield series belowBeen rewatching these films and man, they’re a treat.Of all three, the introduction to 10 Cloverfield Lane is the best. My first time viewing this film, I remember being mostly concerned with how these films connected. Now I have gone back and watched them again, it’s opening is...

I don't think I've seen a redemption arc as strong as the father in Little Miss Sunshine

At the start of the movie I vehemently despise the father's character. He's a stupid, close-minded motivational speaker who only encourages people to be "winners" in stupid ways. I will never forget the scene where he guilts his own daughter into not eating the ice cream.But by the end of it, we've seen his character...

Inside Man (2006) kicks so much ass

What a great fucking movie. I love most if not all of Spike’s movies, and even though this probably the outlier of his career it might be my 2nd or 3rd favorite of his.-Denzel giving one of his all time best “fuck you, I’m a movie star” performances (in a career full of them)-Clive Owen in the middle of an amazing run...

Legion(2010) the perfect B movie.

I remember the previews of this movie and I noped out, but now 11 years later I saw it was on Netflix, gave it a go, and it's just so great I'd you love old scifi films, cheesy films, it actually has some depth, and fantastic actors doing the best with what they have.Fucking Paul and Dennis moments are great.My perfect...

New Every Frame a Painting Video Essay in Netflix Series Voir

For anyone who is or used to be a fan of Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos' Youtube channel Every Frame a Painting, this is a PSA that they contributed new video essays to the recently released Netflix series Voir. I couldn't find any posts on here about it so I figured I would make one for those of you, like myself, are fans...

Sequels that start immediately where the first movie ends?

I've been thinking about this for a few days. I'm wondering how many sequels that pick up right after the conclusion of the first movie.A couple examples I can think of off the top of my head is:Karate Kid II. Starts in the parking lot right at the end of the tournament in the first Karate KidHalloween II is a continuation...

one of the best moments of cinema.

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1978 Dawn of The Dead is completely impossible to find on any streaming service. Kinda sad so many people are missing such a classic and fantastic movie, unless you own it. High prices for purchase as well. WTH?

I guess I'm extremely lucky that years and years ago was able to pick up the multi disc dvd version.The different cuts of the film all have their own uniqueness to them. The Argento cut, the extended cut, the theatrical version (which was romero's preferred version)shocking that you can't find it anywhere other than I...

Considering the time and budget, Chronicles of Riddick doesn’t get nearly the credit it deserves for what it is

I know this is one of those movies where some love it and some say it’s just a stupid movie. But considering what it is, the budget it had, the time it was made, it’s actually a good watch, especially if you haven’t seen it in a long time.I don’t think many mid-budget movies have been so ambitious with so much world building...

‘Matrix Resurrections’ Ranks Behind ‘Godzilla Vs. Kong’ In Streaming Viewership, With 2.8M US Households In 5 Days; Pic Is Most Pirated Of The Week

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New poster for Batman and the Catwoman

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YouTube’s compression sucks - Watch The Batman’s latest trailer in 4K on Matt Reeves’ Vimeo channel.

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THE BATMAN - The Bat and The Cat Trailer

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What’s the Best CGI Creation Ever Put to Screen?

Been seeing people dunk on bad CGI, what about the best effects you’ve ever seen in movies?For me, the two standouts were the Rachael replicant model in Blade Runner 2049 and Maurice from the Planet of the Apes prequels. Those effects actually made me question whether they were real/practical or not for a hot second....

Would you say the Shining deserves a place in top 100 films of all time?

Would you say the Shining deserves a place in top 100 films of all time?​Hey. I haven't watched that many films in my life, but I am trying to correct that. Just recently, I watched Vertigo and the Bridge on the River Kwai for the first time.​Now, there's something that bothers me. The AFI list of 100 greatest films ever...

If every major director has a singular story, theme, or message they tell and re-tell, what is the story your favorite director tells and re-tells?

After watching Nightmare Alley yesterday my husband and I got into an interesting discussion about the stories that directors tell and re-tell throughout their works. It's my theory that most artists have a single theme/story/message (which can be summarized in one sentence), and I summarized Del Toro's 'story' as "Monsters...

Why do people dislike Adam McKay's style?

Many people don't seem to like his work. Why do you think this is it? What are your thoughts on his style and directing approach? I'm talking especially about his last three movies directed, The Big Short, Vice and Don't Look Up. So, I just finished watching Don't Look Up, and even if it is not his best movie I really...

When did Hollywood stop using people well into their 20s to play teenagers?

When I grew up in the 80s and 90s, high school teens were played by people well into their 20s. Sometimes they played even younger teens. It always looked strange to me, even when it was the norm.Today kids play kids, teens play teens. It gives a much more naturalistic feeling to films. When did this shift happen and...

Name a movie sequel you had no idea existed

When browsing through Netflix the other day, I came across Benchwarmers 2: Breaking Balls. This completely took me by surprise. A sequel to The Benchwarmers? A comedy movie from 2006 got a sequel in 2019? Not to mention Jon Lovitz is the only returning cast member from the original. I mean, are Rob Schneider, David Spade,...

What is the Best Film You Watched Last Week? (12/19/21-12/26/21)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It can be any new or old release that you want to talk about.{REMINDER: The Threads Are Posted On Sunday Mornings. If Not Pinned, They Will Still Be Available in the Sub.}Here are some rules:1. Check to see if your favorite film of last...

What are some big budget movies with inexplicably bad CGI?

So yeah, what do you think are some Hollywood films with a big budget that have CGI scenes that just don't hold up compared to what was being released around that time?I'll get a few of the most boring answers out of the way first so we can have a more interesting conversation:The Mummy Returns (2001) Scorpion King sceneDie...

How is intelligent alien life explained in Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986)?

Basically the title, since it seems in both movies they don’t bat an eye at “derelict alien ship”, which seems to indicate it’s not a novel concept or somehow not surprising?The “mom and pop survey team” casually discovers what appears to be a non-human ship and don’t hesitate going in?Also, the marine platoon complains...

Peter Dinklage Teases His Over-The-Top, Crazy Toxic Avenger Movie

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Looking for a Movie Similar to "Knives Out" (2019)? Here's 40 Movies That May Scratch That Itch.

Since the movie came out 2 years ago, I've seen dozens of posts on this sub asking for similar movie recommendations. And rightfully so, it is a great movie.The other day I was trying to come up why the movie is so rewatchable, why it's a genre you keep going back to and wanting more of. And I came up with the 6 below...

'The Abyss' 4K Transfer Was Personally Done by James Cameron; Teases Upcoming Blu-ray

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BILL AND TED might have made Keanu Reeves famous but SPEED was the film which made him a star and a sex-symbol

From 1988 to 1994, he was known for BILL AND TED and for being a lousy actor, the jokes at his expense for Bram Stoker's Dracula were endless, but when SPEED came out with his muscled body and that shaved head, he went from being the geeky dude to the hottest male star in Hollywood and that was the image he became famous...

Had Truman been anything other than an average, good-natured person, The Truman Show could've been a much darker film

Just sat thinking about this while trying to hide how tipsy I am from the in-laws, but I realised that had Truman been say, a narcissist or a psychopath, or been born with any number of medical conditions, The Truman Show could've been a very dark film.Imagine, for instance, had Truman been a Ted Bundy-like, luring women...


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