Thank you for helping to almost make a dying man's wish come true (Update post)

A few months ago I posted here asking if anyone knew a way I could get a copy of 1917 for my bedridden father in law. He had weeks to live and his last wish was to see it.So many of you reached out to me, it was so overwhelming to see how many of you geniunely cared. I'd heard about Reddit moving mountains to accomplish something, I had never experienced it though. Several people were working on 'cleaning up' a cam copy and several industry 'insiders' said they'd be happy to send screeners. We eventually worked something out (which I can't talk about, it was a condition of them allowing us a copy), but unfortunately time ran out sooner then we anticipated and he passed away before seeing it.Just knowing, though, that so many people cared enough to help was so uplifting for him, and my mother in law, during his final days. You gave us a reason to smile during one of the darkest moments of our lives.Reddit is my home, but I don't frequent this sub much. However, you embraced me, encouraged me and helped me without the possibility of anything in return. Some of you even spent tens of hours cleaning up footage to a point it looked comparable to a DVD.I will never forget what the members of this sub did for my family. If I can help you, or if you ever just need someone to talk to, please message me any time of the day or night. I love you all so much.And to the 'people on the inside' who were willing to travel to us, give us a copy, and asked for nothing in return, you fill me with hope. There was no benefit for you, or your company, not even 'exposure'. Yet you worked tirelessly to get this through, communicating with multiple offices, all over the world, to think of the best solution.I'm not naming the company here because they specifically asked us not to. Gestures like this hammer home the fact these giant cooperations are full of compassionate people who legitimately care about the well-being of others, even when there's nothing to gain via /r/movies

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