Zombie movies are a pretty accurate description of how authorities downplayed the pandemic.

Minus the zombies, of course, the pandemic situation of 2020 shown in movies like The Crazies, Land of The Dead and others is a pretty similar on how the governments and non-informed populace dealt with the news of the coronavirus before shit hit the fan.In the Crazies, at least the remake version, local authorities downplay the virus, despite warnings from the local sheriff to close the water supply whic hwas causing the weird occurences on the town.In these movies the sequence usually follows like this:Virus infects someone.Virus spreads and infects more people.Local health authorities first discovers the virus, reports to local governmentSome scientist (usually the protagonist) in the group discover that the virus causes zombiefication, other scientists downplay it until the zombie eats someone.They warn local government that the shit is serious. The government either notifies local people that there's nothing to worry about or downplays it.Virus spreaks out of control and shit hits the fan.Depending on the movie, the military and doctors either: Deals with the situatino or discover some vaccine after a lot of people die because they didn't take the situation seriously. Or in most movie, the world ends.​It's scary sometimes how movies, games and TV shows can be such an uncanny paralell to reality. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2yIgvvJ

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