Terminator Salvation - Not so bad

I'm sure many will disagree, but I think this is a decent flick in the series. Yea, it's not T1 or T2, but it at least tries some new things. It actually takes place during the war, which is what I always wanted to see ever since the first two. There's no convoluted or confusing time travel crap, and it doesn't try to be T1 or T2 with the exception of a few small references. The special FX and big action sequences are excellent as well. The Marcus story arc is pretty cool, Anton Yelchin (RIP) is an excellent Kyle Reese, and Christian Bale is exactly how I envisioned a grown up John Connor to be (though some of Bale's acting is a bit over dramatic). Anyway - this is one of the Terminator flicks I keep going back to. I can't say that about T3, Genisys, or Dark Fate. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3cPF7S1

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