Are neon-drenched movies with synth soundtracks a genre?

I was just thinking about movies like Mandy, Drive, The Neon Demon, Good Time, Blade Runner etc which share both the same visual and audio style of using neon lights and a synth soundtrack, and it got me wondering: does neon-synth count as a genre? Or is it just a style? Do more films of this ilk need to exist before it can be classified as a genre? Do certain codes and conventions need to be established in order for it to be a genre? Because I think certain patterns are emerging and you know to some degree what to expect from a film of this style. They are usually violent, moody in tone, futuristic, and have horror/sci-fi/fantasy vibes.Even though certain films like Blade Runner, Tron and Suspiria came out decades ago, it seems that the majority of these types of films have come out more recently. You look at Gaspar Noe, Nicolas Winding-Refn, The Safdie Bros, Panos Cosmatos etc and the films they’ve been putting out, and it seems as though it’s becoming more and more common for films to have this aesthetic.Sorry if this was quite rambling. I started off just wondering if it could be classified as a genre and ended up wondering how one even defines a genre, and at what point a style can become a genre, or if a style even can become a genre. I’d love if in 10-20 years these films were a recognised sub genre and found their way into the mainstream. via /r/movies

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