The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an amazing movie.

It's quirky at many points, but I've never related to a movie so much.Walter's daily grind and his moments of daydreaming are so connecting to its audience (or at least to me). Dude loves his job, but is longing and yearning for something beyond what he normally goes through. Ben Stiller's performance comes slightly wrapped in the same awkward character he usually plays, but deviates just enough to capture what would be actual reactions to the situations Walter is presented with. He plays the outcast who is not actually an outcast. It's just so human.Not only that, but the cinematography coupled with the soundtrack make for a beautiful experience. In so many scenes we find Walter chasing after a man world-renowned for his photography, and yet sitting in situations and landscapes that look straight off of a cover of Life itself (case-in-point, the scene where he's offered cake sitting inside the boat surrounded by the other fishermen- gorgeous scene). Each song also seems to match the setting, no one genre defining the whole movie.I rewatched it again last night, and it reminded why it's my favorite movie. I almost connect with it on a spiritual level, lol. It brought out the "more to life" feeling inside in an almost inspiring way. via /r/movies

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