After rewatching Blade Runner 2049 just now, I totally forgot how incredible Hans Zimmer’s score was

The 2049 score is an interesting one, because the music isn’t really super fun to listen to on it’s on, compared to say something the the Star Wars or LotR scores. But with that said, I have never been more impressed with a score than I was with 2049. It’s not so much the variety or how great the songs are or anything like that, but it’s just how deeply immersed in the film it makes you. The second time I saw this film, I saw it in an IMAX theater with pretty much no one else there, and it was the best movie watching experience I’ve had in my whole life. The sound was so overwhelming and powerful, that I just completely forgot about everything else going on in the world, and was just completely and utterly focused on the movie. I see a lot of people complain about scores where the music just goes “BWAHHHHHH” for like 3 hours, and I usually am not a huge fan of that either, but since that was much of the original Blade Runner’s soundtrack, I think it works much better in 2049. But the score and just the sound overall, was just so overwhelming and I have never been so engrossed in a film, and even though I was rewatching it in my school’s dining hall with tons of other people around, I was still just as engrossed in the film. The power of the music and sounds just drags you in like no other film I’ve ever experienced. via /r/movies

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