Blade's "blood rave" required, at least, 425 gallons of blood from either 40 cows, 283 adults, or 3,400 one-pint donations from local vampire blood banks

A lot of blood is wasted during the rave in Blade. I get that the yuppy vampires lead by Deacon Frost don’t care about wasting blood, however, it seems like they’d have to ice skate uphill in order to throw a secret blood party inside a slaughterhouse and install a standalone sprinkler system that keeps blood from congealing in the hours before the vampire rave kicks off. In honor of Blade and it’s generous wasting of cinematic blood, I decided to figure out how much of the red liquid came out of the sprinklers during the 75 seconds that it poured onto the vampire dancers. After copious research of irrigation systems and blood (my Google search history must seem weird) I’ve come to the conclusion that somewhere around 425 gallons of blood poured out of the sprinklers, which means they drained blood from either 40 cows, 283 adults (think Blade: Trinity) or collected 3,400 one pint donations from the blood banks they have all around the world (Blade 2).Blood Rave clip here.Important times.2:24 - A good look at the sprinkler system2:28 - The grid3:18 - A good look at how much blood was on the groundQuick note: There is no way to know how much blood spilled onto the vampire dancers.Here is what I know:The blood rave lasts 75 seconds. I feel bad for the cleaning crewThe blood comes from 20 different sprinklers that are placed in the ceiling of the slaughterhouse/dancing clubThere is another irrigation system that must be for potential fires and cleaning off the bloody dancers after the rave is overThe average office/home sprinkler system uses 8-24 gallons per minute. The blood is really pouring out of the the sprinklers, so I went with 17 gallons per minuteBlood was definitely coming out of the sprinklers99.7% of the blood hits the floorHolstein cows have 10.6 gallons of blood. Humans average 1.2 to 1.5 gallons. I went with 1.5.The vampires must’ve created a machine that keeps the blood from coagulating or congealingThe meat packing plant is a front for a weird human blood drive systemVampires don’t care about permanently damaging their clothesHere is what I’m guessing:Since the rave takes place in a slaughterhouse they must be getting the blood from the animals. However, I wouldn’t put it past them to greedily use human bloodI think the vampire overlords (AKA Udo Kier) wouldn’t be pleased to know that hundreds of gallons of human blood was being wasted on EDM loving vampiresSince they made the “Blood Bath” sign I’m thinking they’ve done it beforeThe vampire DJ worked the venue before and knows where to put the speakers so they don't get splattered with bloodThey don’t really drink any of the blood… it must not be human blood?There is no cover charge for the partyThe invitations were sent via emailThe vampires can’t leave the building with blood stained clothes, so, they must’ve brought a change of clothes to wear after the rave ends. Also, it probably ends around 4:00AM so the vampires can get home before the sun comes upIt wasn’t hard for Blade to find the rave. I’m guessing a vampire told a friend, who told another friend and the guest list spiraled out of control. Thus, Blade could simply track an unwitting vampire who was carrying an overnight bag to the partyFinal Conclusion:At least 425 gallons of animal blood (or human....who knows) came out of the sprinklers designed especially for the blood rave. It’s too bad that Blade found the location because they must’ve spent a decent amount of time and money to create the event space.If you like this article make sure to check out my other data pieces!Movies featuring snowmobile action scenes are way cooler than movies featuring jet ski action scenesAnalyzing the unnecessarily large trap in PredatorsJCVD and his splitsHow Far Did the Shark Travel in Jaws: The Revenge?Matthew McConaughey's massive jump in Reign of FireHow Far Does the Creature From It Follows Travel?People love a bearded Kurt RussellTracking the Merman's Murderous JourneyMichael Myers road trip in Halloween H20Stellan Skarsgard's journey in Deep Blue Sea was gnarlyHow Fast Can Leatherface Run?I was interviewed by Wired!Jet Ski Action Scenes Are the WorstThe Fast & Furious & CoronaHow Did the Geologist Get Lost in Prometheus?How Long Does it Take Horror Villains to Travel From NYC to San Francisco?Michael Myers Hates Using His Turn SignalCan Jason Voorhees teleport?How Long Did the Joker Need to Setup the Weapon Circle in Suicide Squad?How Much Sand Did Elektra's Sandbag Trainer in Daredevil (2003) Require?Breaking down The Mariner vs. Sea Eater battle in WaterworldAnalyzing the Posters for Nicholas Sparks' Book AdaptationsHow far Did Nic Cage Run Around in a Bear Suit in The Wicker Man Remake?How Many Bullets Missed John Matrix in Commando?Michael Myers Loves Doing LaundryDolph Lundgren and His Front KicksKevin Bacon and His Collegiate DegreesHow Many Calories Did Shaggy and Scooby Doo Ingest When They Ate the Cotton Candy Glob? via /r/movies

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