I, my friends, and many other people were abused by a horror film director named Lucifer Valentine (Vomit Gore Trilogy). Here is my story.

For some backstory, Lucifer Valentine is the director of the infamous Vomit Gore Trilogy (there are five films now) that depict really graphic scenes of women being mutilated and legit vomiting. Think a pretentious horror movie version of Lars Von Trier that’s very fetish pornographic-like.I first discovered Lucifer Valentine years ago right when I turned 14 (I will be 20 next week). At the time, I didn’t think anything of his controversies (re: allegations of sexual abuse and him just being creepy). I was fully immersed in the eating disorder scene of Tumblr (given that I had a battle with bulimia at the time) and was recommended to watch his movies by a friend, given that his movies revolve around eating disorders. I knew they were made for adults but as a horror fan, I thought he was pretty cool. I wish I had better judgement at the time but I was also young and at an incredibly vulnerable age. Despite his movies being borderline pornographic, we became very close and he would always contact me asking if I’d want artwork from him or if I’d want to star in one of his movies when I turned 18. I was estatic that a director I loved was reaching out to me so I did anything he asked. There was one instance where he asked me to purge on camera while holding a box set of one of his films. I obliged to his request, despite me being 14. I realize that asking someone underage to puke their guts out on camera is not illegal and I’m NOT insinuating this - but it’s another story if someone much older than you with a vocal puke fetish asks you to do that. I later found out he asked various women, both underage and of legal age, to do these things. While I was in various VGT related FB groups, I spoke with girls who told me very disturbing stories about how he groomed them. They told me how he scouts female fans right after they turn 18 and manipulate them into starring into his movies. Most of the women who are fans of him have eating disorders and throughout his films, he depicts his fetish for women having bulimia. Pretty fucked up.As I’ve gotten older, I’ve left that part of my life behind me. However, there have been some pretty disturbing allegations against LV on Twitter in the past few months. This twitter thread brings into question the safety of the actresses involved in those films. As someone who watched all the behind the scenes features, all the actresses looked very incoherent when talking to LV in the middle of shooting. People are speculating that something very sinister was happening on set and I believe it. This comment on YouTube really unsettled me in particular:“I’ve met people in the sex worker industry saying he is an absolute monster and breaks contracts and goes after minors. They were genuinely shaken up and scared even mentioning him.”Even more disturbing, The Soska Sisters (American Mary/See No Evil 2) starred in one of his movies way back in 2008. They completely deny that they were in the movie despite them being credited. I had a friend who reviewed American Mary years ago and when he mentioned that they starred in one of his films, they begged him to remove it out of his review. I also heard that they were stalked by a LV “hater” at a horror convention, asking them for his personal information which brought them to tears.I hope that more information comes out about him and that we find out the real truth. It must mean something if all the actresses that starred in his film have gone without a trace (no social media pages or anything) and that the Soska Sisters, who are very famous in the horror community, have disavowed their involvement in his films. I just hope all of his victims find justice and peace. I’m still trying to find mine despite being groomed at such a young age. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2C6L1Sb

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