Hell or High Water is one of the most perfect movies I have seen.

Every part of this movie is a masterpiece. Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Jeff Bridges, and Gil Birmingham absolutely nail their respective roles. The character development for each of the characters was incredible and you empathized with every character. David Mackenzie, whose previous film Starred Up ended up as one of the better prisons flicks I've seen, has really proved with Hell or High Water that he has some serious directing chops, and I am sincerely looking forward to his next film. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis created a perfect score for the film, as well as selecting songs to complement its gritty atmosphere. Giles Nuttgens shot the film with a mix of classic western shots as well as some modern drone/long takes, giving an ode to the classic westerns that inspired it, while also making sure it stays firmly in the present. Just a gritty, yet beautiful film that everyone should watch at least once in their life. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2ZXXgcP

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