Just rewatched Jackie Brown... I personally think it is Tarantino’s best movie.

Among all of Tarantino’s work, I feel like Jackie Brown always flies under the radar. After Once Upon A Time came out, I looked at lots of people ranking Tarantino films and Jackie Brown always seemed to be low. After rewatching it, I cannot understand why.This is the only Tarantino movie with an adapted screenplay, from Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch, and I believe the movie benefits from it. A lot of Tarantino movies to me feel like a bunch of great scenes stitched together, whereas this movie has much more of a plot consistently present. It feels a lot more oriented towards reaching an end goal.I also love the way this movie is about old people. At its root, it’s a movie about old people falling in love. It’s something you don’t really see in A-list movies (apart from the Irishman which was also about old people). The romance between Jackie and Max Cherry always seems believable, and it truly feels like it could be each character’s last chance of finding love. Robert Forster brings a real honestly to the Max character, which adds a lot to their romance.The acting is really good too. Everybody shines in their roles. The first time I watched this movie, I felt like De Niro was wasted. Watching it again, I thought he was great. It’s such a departure from the roles he usually played around the late 90s, coming off of Ronin, Casino, and Heat. He fits the role of a stoner lazy guy well past his prime so well in his limited screen time. His whole interaction with Melanie towards the end of the film is great. SLJ is great too, and I loved how menacing he was despite the stakes in the movie not being too high. Yeah, $500K is a lot of money, but at the end of the day, his character isn’t as big of a deal as he thinks he is.All in all, I have almost no complaints with this movie. The pacing feels good throughout, the soundtrack is great (esp Across 110th St), the acting is great, and the dialogue still feels sharp as it is written by Tarantino. Anybody else feel this way and think it should be higher rated? I think maybe people expected something crazier or grander when this came out, as it was Tarantino’s first movie after Pulp Fiction.Last thing: I really enjoy movies based on Elmore Leonard novels. Get Shorty with John Travolta is really good. And I really recommend Out of Sight, starring George Clooney and JLo, directed by Steven Soderbergh. That movie is so much fun and has all the hallmarks of a Soderbergh movie. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2VDs94r

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