The Hateful Eight (2015) is a drastically better movie than I was led to believe

I've had seen all of Tarantino's films, save this one (and Death Proof), right up to today, and nearly every account I've heard describes these two specifically as his worst by far. Perhaps it was partially thanks to me going in with low expectations, but I enjoyed this movie far more than I expected I would - it's not my favorite Tarantino film by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a solid mid tier - I might even include it in my Top 5.There's something that's so inherently captivating to me about the concept of a handful of disconnected people trapped in a house, all unknowingly destined to die within a few hours, all tensely suspicious of each other. It's making me recall reading And Then There Were None back in middleschool, which followed the same premise.The biggest criticism I've heard weighed against The Hateful Eight is that it was needlessly long and slow-moving, but I've always found that many of Tarantino's most loved films also fall victim to this - Inglourious Basterds, Reservoir Dogs, even Pulp Fiction a bit towards the middle, and in all honestly, the slow-moving structure stands more to the benefit of this movie than it did to the others, being used to heighten tension to a peak before releasing it all at once. Not all slow-moving films are necessarily slow-burners, but I feel like the term applies here.Another strength of the movie is its attention to detail. Hell, it demonstrates Chekhov's Gun with a gun - which is curious, since Chekhov's Gun was one of my core issues with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, a movie that left established concepts unfinished by the end, and felt disjointed because of it. Yet here, there's multiple instances to choose from - I especially thought Warren getting his dick shot off as karma for sodomizing and murdering that General's son to be a fun detail.What do you guys think of the movie? Where would you rate it on your Tarantino ranking? via /r/movies

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