How the ending of Matrix Revolutions tells us what will happen in Matrix 4

The Matrix has fundamentally changed in its last scene of Revolutions. We see a multi colured sunrise created by the character Sati, to the surprise and delight of the Oracle. We are also shown that the Matrix has lost its signature green tint after Neo’s sacrifice and the subsequent reboot of the system, just as the Architect had wanted from Neo.But The Matrix has lost its green tint for an important reason: it has become, in essence, as real as real. The sacrifice of Neo through his submission to Smith allowed the Matrix to change: It provides the mathematical code for the unconditional choice that humans crave but that had been denied to them from the beginning through the machines overt control. We see in Reloaded that The Architect controls (a very binary) system of choice, (a system that inevitably needs The One for it to reboot as a result of the problem of choice) but that he doesn't understand the WHY of human choice.Why do humans need to choose and believe they have free will? It’s a paradox between fate and choice. But it is this very paradox that is what Neo suddenly realizes when he decides to give himself up to Smith and be assimilated through his act of compassionate selflessness. An act that is done for the benefit of others. He realizes this through Oracle’s words of wisdom: “Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo.” Or in the Buddha's words: “All that arises passes away.” Death is inevitable. But Neo realizes the passage of death is just that, a passage, a transformation and makes a paradoxical choice that is free from The Architect's or Oracle's manipulation and goes against what he was programmed to do: he chooses not to choose and allows Smith to complete his purpose, thereby allowing the machines to delete them both and reintegrate their code.By doing this and the machines then reinstating his code to the system (allowing the reboot), the machines can be provided with the variable in the equation: compassionate and unconditional love. Why love? Because it is the means by which one let's go of selfish attachments that manifests in the mind as control, hatred, ignorance (the agents) and gives up that control. It is what couldn’t be recreated mathematically in the Matrix until Neo came along and showed through his actions the truth of the human mind.The machines now understand just as Neo does: to be truly free and at peace means being selfless, compassionate. This ties into Neo's symbolic achievement of enlightenment i.e. no-Self, true selflessness. He has freed himself from his karma/purpose alongside his mirror image Smith, and this "frees the first of them": Sati is a symbol of a new machine without purpose who doesn't get deleted but instead presumably has taken over Oracle's duties as the kernel of the Matrix: the link between the Source and the Matrix, Mother Earth to the Architect's Father in Heaven. This shows us that freedom of choice and purpose, as instigated by loving compassion, must be unconditional, there's no other way to peace. Sati is a perfect representation of this because of the unconditional love she received from her parents.And so, the Matrix in the final moments of Revolutions has been perfected and has rebooted into a new Fourth Age, the Neo Matrix, where by it reflects our current world of limitless choice. The green tint is simply symbolic of machine control, the machines themselves simply a symbol of the human spirit having been corrupted.So Neo being a new type of being will exist as a hybrid human and machine, living in the quantum realm that is the Source, as a spirit without a body, having transcended the constructs of life and death and become immortal. Him being carried away is also reminiscent of the King Arthur legend, one day he'll return in a last act of collective enlightenment.He will return to help bring all souls to this same thing he experienced. How will he appear to those in the Matrix? Well simply as Neo but his code will be like Seraph: made of golden light, a source program. So too will Trinity.Neo will be as agent Smith describes Seraph "like a ghost": a spirit that pass in and out of the system and guide those who need help, including presumably a new protagonist.How does Trinity fits into this? Perhaps Neo demanded she too have her consciousness brought into the Source code so as to be with him, ala Merovingian and Persephone. But time will tell.So the plot will be as follows:Neo and Trinity are Source programs now, their consciousness integrated into the mainframe, essentially immortal spirits without bodies. In the Matrix they will eventually return and appear to us as like Seraph had, made of golden code.Morpheus will have died by the time the truce breaks down (perhaps a 100 years after Revolutions) and the war will have restarted. In fact it may have been Morpheus' death that broke the truce down as others vied for power and control in Zion. The Oracle will now be Sati and she will help find young Morpheus.Neo and Trinity in the Matrix will thus return to the Matrix to find the virtual reincarnation of Morpheus in this 7th system, who will be a young man and will attempt to get him to bring peace back to Zion and the Matrix, as only he can inspire the hearts of the Zionites.I also predict the title of the movie will be The Neo Matrix, which is what this 7th iteration of the Matrix is. via /r/movies

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