Film Workers May Strike, We Need Your Support!

IATSE members are the working-class backbone of the TV programs, films, and streaming content that provide entertainment and comfort to millions around the world. Now, 60,000 film and tv workers are mobilizing to win a union contract that guarantees basic human necessities like adequate sleep, meal breaks, and living wages from the wealthiest media corporations and studios in the world. These mega-corporations (which include Disney, Amazon, Netflix, & Warner Brothers) made record profits during the pandemic and yet refuse to raise the barely-above-minimum wages of their lowest-paid workers, or decrease the hours they force crew to work daily, usually 13 hours or more, sometimes for 6 or 7 days a week. Their refusal to budge has left IATSE with no choice but to vote on a strike in order to get their attention and take us seriously.In order to win these basic rights, we need your support. Will you take two minutes to sign this petition demanding that these studios provide equitable treatment for the unsung heroes of the entertainment industry? via /r/movies

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