"Wolf Children" is a beautiful piece of art

The anime movie "Wolf Children" tells the story of a single mother who raises her two children whose father was a wolf-man. Hana is protective of her children, but also afraid that other humans will be afraid of their existence. At one point, Ame, Hana's son is afraid of being a wolf as stories depict wolves as "monsters", but Yuki, Hana's daughter embraces her inner wolf in a fun-loving manner. Yuki is more social than her brother and she desires to go to school and make friends.As the children grow older, Yuki becomes afraid of her inner wolf after hurting a classmate, but Ame desires to become one with the animal within him. The two of them then decide to forge their own path in life. Raising children is a difficult, but beautiful task as Hana is depicted as the devoted mother who does make mistakes, but pushes herself in order to see her children grow up happy."Wolf Children" is what I consider a "feel-good" movie when life gets you down. I do recommend watching the original Japanese audio, but the English is pretty good, too. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3hJXjjK

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