The Way, Way Back (2013) is a really charming movie

This is a coming of age movie about an awkward teen who gets a summer job at a water park and slowly becomes more confident under the mentoring of the park manager (played by Sam Rockwell). Rockwell is funny as hell in this and oozes charisma. Steve Carell plays one of the most unlikeable characters I think he's ever...
It's amazing how little Warner Brothers managed to do with the DCEU in the same timeframe as Marvel did with the MCU.

The first Iron Man was released in 2008. Almost exactly four years to the day, The Avengers came out. Inbetween we got Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America. These all introduced new characters who we were excited to see team up when The Avengers came out.Man of Steel released in 2013. Then nothing until 2016, when...
Official Discussion Megathread (Black is King, First Cow, Yes God Yes)
Is Coraline worth a watch?

I've seen the movie Coraline while searching on Netflix a few times. I'd just like to hear what you thought of it (with out spoilers!). I've read some of Neil Gaiman's (the author of the book Coralineis based on) stuff and enjoyed it. Also, is it heavily geared towards kids or is it the sort of thing someone older might...
Do you ever think the Historical Epic genre will take off again?

I know that Hollywood still loves WWII movies but I remember after Gladiator there was a resurgence in big budget sword and sandal epics which seemed to fizzle out just as soon as it started. I've seen that a lot of foreign countries have carried the torch for the genre but was wondering will they ever get big again in...
Recommendations for ‘must-see’ Non-English films

Looking for good foreign films to watchWhat can I say, Bong Joon Ho’s subtitles comment spoke to me. I want to broaden my horizons! What are some “must-see” foreign films I’ve been missing out on?Some of what I have already watched:Parasite, The Host, Chungking Express, Oldboy, Battle Royale, House, Pan’s Labrynth, One...
I miss the old animation style of Disney movies.

Not sure if it's nostalgia for a childhood of watching them on VHS, but I've always loved the animation style of the older disney movies. Since quarantine began, I've been watching all my childhood favorites, Fantasia, Alice in Wonderland, Little Nemo's Adventures in Slumberland, and the Studio Ghibli films. I miss when...
Bram Stokers Dracula: The movie is such a confounding piece of art

Does anybody have an experience with this movie?I massively admire Francis Ford Coppolla and Gary Oldman, and was drawn to the movie for their contribution. The movie is such a mixed bag of brilliant imagery, great cinematography, Gary Oldmans titillating performance, the old school special effects and the music. But...
What movie had you so psyched to see going into the cinema, only to leave you terribly disappointed?

First one that comes to mind for me is the Independence Day sequel. I loved the first one; it had plenty of cheese, but stayed consistently entertaining and intriguing throughout. So naturally I thought the sequel would be another fun ride through seriously OP aliens trying to kill us. That’s all it needed to be.... and...
What the hell is wrong with Rotten Tomatoes’ alrogithm? Of their all-time top 20 films, there aren’t any between 1942-2015 and 16 are from the last 5 years

Here's the list:’m not trying to overreact too much, but it’s a bit silly and mildly frustrating mostly because of seemingly illogical it is. Does anyone have an idea how so many films from 2015 on are rated so gd highly? Like, it’s actually mind-bottling how weirdly balanced...
The ‘Burbs (1989)

I cannot recommend this movie enough. It may be the most overlooked movie from the 80’s. It has a great cast with Tom Hanks, Carrie Fischer, Corey Feldman. It’s considered a dark comedy, but it has elements of almost a horror/thriller. It is labeled as PG, but it can be viewed by all ages honestly. DO NOT get discouraged...
“Gremlins 2: The New Batch” (1990) is the best satire film of the 1990’s

Gremlins (1984) was a critical and pop culture success from the moment it released. As Christmas themed black comedy, it stood out as one of the great 80’s kids films. Grim and genuinely scary, the film would help push the MPAA to establish the new rating of PG-13. So, what about the 1990 sequel? The New Batch is certainly...
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) is exceptional

I don't have much to say other than: wow, what a delightful fucking movie.My wife and I have been fans of Taika Waititi since Thor: Ragnorok and especially after we saw Jojo Rabbit. We've really enjoyed everything he's done but HftW is by far my favorite of his.I'd love any other recommendations of his or movies/filmmakers...
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) is exceptional

I don't have much to say other than: wow, what a delightful fucking movie.My wife and I have been fans of Taika Waititi since Thor: Ragnorok and especially after we saw Jojo Rabbit. We've really enjoyed everything he's done but HftW is by far my favorite of his.I'd love any other recommendations of his or movies/filmmakers...