Post your 5 favourite movies and let people guess things about you based on them

So I saw this posted by /u/YourPoop on another sub a while ago and thought it'd be cool to try hereSo I figured this would be good as just a general exercise but to see age and taste demographics of the sub, but I think this is a good way to breakup all the super serious and analytical discussion, but being more goal oriented and focused than just the casual conversation thread. Who knows you may end up finding your new favorite film in here.So I've done this a few other subs but for those unfamiliar with this, you post your top 5 films or so and than others use those to guess things about such as you, age, relationship status, interests etc. I think they is a good and more personal way to discuss film in a way that isn't just stark analysis. Also feel feel to ask people why they like or enjoy certain films.Pretty much a film impressions of people based only on what films they have a connection with.Don't be the karma farmer who just posts your favourites though, talk to and discuss with others. via /r/movies

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