I was fortunate enough to see The Dark Knight trilogy today in 70mm at AMC

Hello! Just wanted to share my amazing movie night with my favorite sub. Walking in I got this badge and a TDK batarang gift which was an exciting surprise. The schedule was 12pm Batman Begins, 4pm TDK, 7:30pm Taped Q&A with Nolan, and 8pm TDK rises. The screen obviously was enormous and the theaters most people see IMAX movies in can't compare. Batman Begins looked and sounded cool and the audience was a lot of fun; applauding hype scenes and near imploding to the ending joker card. Hard to believe this movie is almost 15 years old. I love every entry of the 3 but I have the most problems with this one (looking at you Katie). Namely, taking a grounded gritty approach to the story should disqualify the use of the absurd microwave weapon. It's an overly picky thing to nag on and been talked to death so I'll leave it at that and say BB was a good time. TDK is my most watched film ever. I think everybody knows how incredible it is and the few debatable flaws. What really hit me was the 70mm scenes. It was almost jarring when it switched between formats because 70mm was such an improvement. The opening bank scene is like a punch in the face in that format. It is immediately noticeable when the format reverts back to digital IMAX and was a bummer everytime it happened. So glad I got to see it like this.The Q&A with Nolan was a huge let down, but not because of Nolan. A good portion of the crowd thought it was going to be live and interactive, but I read it was a prerecorded session so that bothered most people around me right out the gate. The real tragedy was that it was an interview. It was some guy nobody knows who didn't introduce himself asking Nolan Hollywood-reporter type questions for 15 minutes. The questions were like "Did you plan the trilogy upfront or just do BB as a stand alone", "Who did you look at to cast as batman", and the worst one, "How do you feel about IMAX format". Some guy yelled out "You lied to us Chris! THINGS ARE WORSE THAN EVER!"; got a cheap laugh. The only fun nugget of insight was that the scene in TDK with the batmobile crashing into the semi truck was done with miniatures. Neat. Whatever, queue up the next film.TDKR was the highlight of the night. Typically my least favorite, it felt like half the movie was in 70 and my God is it incredible. All the major action sequences were the most crystal clear film scenes I've ever seen. Bane giving his liberation speech on that giant screen inspired awe. Say what you want about the plot holes (which are big enough to fly the Bat through), this is a damn pretty film.All in all this was a great experience. I'd love to see more films like this, though maybe not in 10 hour marathon mode cause my knees are creaking. I'd love to hear about any marathon sessions or extra incredible movie experiences anybody here has had! via /r/movies http://bit.ly/2UTvb4K

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