I don’t give a damn what you say, the Blade Trilogy is still the best damn thing that happened to vampire movies.

Prime Wesley Snipes was a GOT DAM MONSTER in his prime, and his role as Blade in all three films is arguably his most popular role in his cinematic history.I don’t enjoy his Marvel comic book counterpart as much as his film version. Know why? BECAUSE IT AINT MO’ FUCKIN’ WESLEY ‘SIMON WHO?’ SNIPES IN THE COMICHell, we even got a glimpse of Reynolds’ Deadpool in the 3rd installment, which made for some funny moments.Now, I know what you’re all thinking: ”Yellow, my guy, you’re drunk again and you forget to lock the backdoor again, Mr. Skeebles is loose.” But, you’re wrong, these movies still hold up in 2019. Stephen Dorff, Ron Perlman’s human form, and so many other great actors that I can’t remember because I’m drunk.Fact is, Blade was apart of my childhood and even as a grown ass man, I still laugh and go “ooooooooo shit” anytime he does or says some off the wall shit. He may not have been Marvel’s most recognizable superhero, but he sure as shit was mine.Thanks for everything, Snipes. I don’t care about your tax problems, you stopped the vampires from killing my dog. via /r/movies http://bit.ly/2UNSKvN

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