Have you ever been watching a movie, thought it was average or even bad, but then something happened that made everything click and turned it into a great movie?

Essentially the opposite of the post by /u/Misternogo.Spoilers, be warned!For me, it was my first time watching the Godfather. Now, I never really thought it was a bad film at all, I just thought it was overlong and didn't find the character arcs overly interesting. I seriously considered turning it off at multiple points in the film. It was getting near the end of the film and I was wondering what was going to happen for the end of the movie.Then the Baptism Murders happened. You know, the bit where Michael is renouncing Satan in the church while his crew are off assassinating all the other heads of the crime families, while the haunting organ music plays. This scene, for me, sums up everything about the whole movie and demonstrates Michael's descent from reluctant gangster to the ruthless boss of the mafia. This gave me legitimate chills when I watched and then the whole movie just worked for me now that I could see what it was going for. I watched it again about a week later and it all just made sense. I have now watched this scene a billion times and it never gets old. via /r/movies http://bit.ly/2UFdy9t

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