Coraline is my favourite film ever made

I remember sitting down in my room late at night bored out of my mind, and saw Coraline was on tv. My inner voice was like “ugh, this weird movie” but I sat down and watched it, and thought it was incredible.Took me like a decade to decide it’s my favourite film. But I actually think about it every week. It’s the only film that I’ve done that with since I’ve seen it. And I think the reason why is...story is great. But I’ll forget the plot of a film, I’ll forget the characters names. But imagery sticks in my brain. And Coraline has such a great use of imagery. The use of colours depending on which side Coraline is at. And the art of stop motion, just has this fantastical eerie feel to it, that I don’t think other styles of animation can capture. And my god is it the smoothest I’ve ever seen stop motion done in a film.And another reason. I’m in love with films that take place in reality, with just a touch of fantasy. Whether literally or not, featuring a portal between the fabric of reality and fantasy. Another great film that does that is Edward Scissorhands.There are many great films. But only a few films that can capture the magic of a Tim Burton or Henry Selick. So I guess if I can make this post a little more interactive, what’s your favourite fantasy film in the vain of Coraline or Edward Scissorhands? via /r/movies

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