Geographical missrepresentation in American movies...

I'm Colombian, I've lived all of my life here, I'm going to college here, I was born here and I know my country with a little bit more detail than the average person. Yesterday I had the disgrace of watching Amy Schumer's: Snatched. Snatched takes place in Ecuador but mostly in Colombia, and while watching it I was distracted from the atrocious writing, acting and directing, by some details that the movie used as a guide to move the plot forward. Geography.Amy Schumer and her mother need to go to (my hometown) Bogotá after crossing the north-east border of Ecuador towards the south of Colombia. And well meaningless stuff happens and they get there, but the point is here. Amy and her Mother crossed through the Amazon rainforest after fleeing Ecuador and they were traversing it, WALKING, attempting to arrive to Bogotá which the movie treated like it was passing some mountain.Fun fact: Bogotá is like 800 km from the south border with Ecuador and it is literally impossible to get there by foot or well in the case of this movie, by a fucking nest attached to a rope. It is ungodly far away. And when they get there, Bogotá looks like if an stereotypical inmigrant neighborhood in America became an small, humid, hot city, which couldn't be more distorted from reality.Bogotá has nearly 9 million inhabitants, and is very very cold (well not that cold but Colombia in general is warm so yeah Bogotá breaks that line). The point is, I've seen this A LOT, in a lot of different movies not only by the usual: the entirety of latin america is yellow and jungle-ish but also like when in XMen they show a mountain range in a place on Argentina that literally is at sea level.I wanted to know if anyone from any other part of the world has seen this, and in which movie. I will really like to know if this stereotypical vision applies to other region. :) via /r/movies

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