What I hate in movies (and TV shows) is when a character experiences wildly extraordinary events, but then is skeptical of other extraordinary events.

I was just watching the movie Aquaman, and the main character, who is the bastard-son of a Atalantian Queen, and the heir to a vast hyper-technological underwater Kingdom, and in the previous movie teamed up with the daughter of a God, to defeat a space-alien general, is crazy skeptical that there is a Legendary Super-Trident made by the first Demi-God king of Atlantis.Why would you for a second think that THAT is the legend that can't be true. Meanwhile, all other more fantastical ones are proven fact.​I think Outlander ran into this too with the man character lady who touches a stone and travels through time, being skeptical of magic. It's like, lady, YOU TOUCHED A STONE AND ARE NOW 300 YEARS IN THE PAST, but you think healing magic or w/e is impossible?! How did you think the STONE you touched worked?​This first place I ran into this, and maybe the most famous, is of course going to be the X-Files though. Scully can be skeptical in the first season, if she really wants to be, but after that she should just be agreeing with Mulder 100% of the time. She experiences WAAAAY too much crazy stuff for her to remain skeptical, and Mulder is uncannily right WAY too often for her to be even a little dismissive. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2ZiNunv

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