The Rock, John Cena and Dave Bautista have been successful wrestlers-turned-actors. What did they do right that others like Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kane, Kevin Nash, etc didn't do to make that successful leap?

I didn't include other big wrestling names like Andre the Giant (Princess Bride 1987) and Macho Man Randy Savage (Bonesaw in Spider-Man 2002) because I don' think they were actively trying to transition to an acting career. Andre the Giant sadly passed away not long after Princess Bride (6 years later due to health complications). And Macho Man was already 50-ish when he did Spider-Man and likely just did it for fun. He would do voiceovers for King of the Hill and other shows here and there.Roddy Piper and Jesse Ventura actually had a decent amount of films under their belt, but their most notable stuff was They Live (1988) and Predator (1987).But the ones like Hogan, Stone Cold, Big Show, Edge, Triple H, Diamond Dallas Page, Kane (who is a mayor now)...they've tried breaking into movies with 3-5+ films and it never caught on.Was the timing wrong? Would they maybe have had more success if they were younger and tried their hand at movies during our current era, with more social media, better marketing, superhero films, and memes to help boost popularity?Or do Dwayne Johnson, Cena and Bautista simply have that certain something that some of the others didn't have? via /r/movies

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