Zack Snyder would benefit from a Co-Director moreso than any other active filmmaker

Over the years there have been several directors (most of whom have acheived wild commercial success), that have a technical mastery of the craft of filmmaking, but show major deficiencies in either creating believable characters & motivation and/or writing intricate exchanges between characters (that isnt just a bunch of exposition dump, or set up for the next set-piece). Several visionary directors fall into this as well, including Zemeckis and Cameron (to a lesser extent)But, there's never been someone who has exemplified this quite like Snyder. This also bleeds into how I view his films, most of them are bloated, screechy messes, that also almost-always have atleast one scene thats plain breathtaking.That's why I believe that Snyder will start making absolute modern-classics, the second he starts working with a co-director that's known for dramatic storytelling and nuanced characterisation.Because, this whole "singular-vision" schtick has actually been a detriment to his films. The dude is a fantastic visual filmmaker, but his films desperately need an intellectual counter-weight, to balance out his excesses via /r/movies

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