Who remembers The Pacifier with Vin Diesel?

Every once and while, I like to rewatch a movie from my childhood to see if it still holds up or not. That’s where The Pacifier comes in. Out of sheer curiosity, I put it on and was surprised to discover it had some genuinely funny moments despite being a standard family movie from the mid-2000s.As far as story goes, it's pretty generic. Vin Diesel plays a Navy SEAL who is assigned to protect a family and also recover some secret project called GHOST. As you would expect Diesel's military background doesn't blend well with the family and they bicker and argue, there's some slapstick, etc. And as you would also expect, eventually the family and Diesel come to some understanding and our Navy SEAL becomes an honorary member of the family. Vin Diesel in a movie about FAMILY? What a novel idea!Overall, it's pretty paint by numbers, but there are some standout moments like a fight scene between Diesel and a couple of ninja types that is better shot and choreographed than anything found in the new Snake Eyes movie. There's also a scene where the family's pet duck bites Vin Diesel's ear and one of the daughters makes fun of him for having boobs. The best one however is when Diesel suspects the teenage son locked himself in his room and kicks down the door only to discover he only went to use the bathroom.There's also one moment that completely took me out of the movie. That's when Vice Principal Brad Garrett finds a Nazi swastika armband in one of the kid's locker. They suspected that kid was a literal Neo-Nazi for a minute there. Turns out it was for a school production of the Sound of Music but I was surprised to see a Nazi symbol in a 2005 Disney movie.Overall, not a bad movie, just kind of standard. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3ydBd0k

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