I watched King Kong (1933) with my 4 year old.

I'm eager to watch some monster movies with my son but I think he'd find them too scary at the moment, so I decided to try him with the original King Kong to ease him in and essentially 'start from the start'.I would also like him to grow up knowing that "black and white movies" don't mean that they're boring movies and have just as much value as modern fast paced ones.He has only really watched Pixar / Disney movies until now, with the odd exception. So I wasn't unsure if it would hold his attention - I had nothing to worry about, as he was hooked from the very start (probably at the promise of seeing a giant ape).As it played, I talked him through the scenes and tried to explain what what happening and what they were talking about. The great thing about this film too, is that it's not too wordy and the dialogue is pretty straight to the point.I tried to explain to him that we might feel sympathy for Kong and that he wasn't necessarily the monster he might initially appear to be. I'm not sure how much he understood of that because he cheered when Kong died, haha! But he seemed to take the message on at the end, when the last line "it was beauty that killed the beast" was spoken and that was the magic of movies right there. My 4 year old, in his own little way, processed that moment and it meant something to him and he kept talking about it afterwards.He also got very excited when the dinosaurs appeared!I'd like to know, what film would you recommend as the next one we could watch? I'm thinking Godzilla but maybe there's something else that you might think would be better? I like the idea of watching older movies too because whilst the FX are beautiful, they can also be tamer for a 4 year old's mind over ultra realistic CGI that he might not understand is not real.I highly recommend you do this with your kids too, if you want a break from Frozen, etc. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2YPCevl

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