After re-watching American History X... Why isn't Beverly D'Angelo featured in more movies?

I thought her performance as Doris, the mother of Edward Norton's character Derek, was nothing short of phenomenal. Every time she's featured in a scene she completely steals attention away from Norton, even though he's great in AHX as well. I'd seen this movie before but didn't notice who she was until this most recent viewing. I've only seen her in the National Lampoon "vacation" movies as Ellen Griswold and was wondering why Hollywood hasn't taken more advantage of her acting chops.Minor spoilers: when she visits Derek in prison, and when Elliot Gould visits her home for dinner, she acts her ass off, and those two scenes stand out to me because of her -and Norton's- performances. I just wish I could see her in more films than Christmas Vacation (a personal favorite) lol. via /r/movies

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