Can’t Hardly Wait (1998)

I hadn’t heard of this until I saw the thumbnail on Netflix the other day, but I saw that Seth Green was in it and it just seemed like something I might like so I decided to give it a shot. It’s pretty good. Sort of feels like a feature-length version of the second half of Weird Science, given that it takes place at a house party. The main thing I liked were the performances. They’re all pretty funny, and Jennifer Love-Hewitt does a good job creating a relationship with the protagonist even though they only share about 5 minutes of screen time. The script’s also a bit better than you might expect. It’s definitely filled with teen movie cliches, but the premise also lends itself well to a bunch of non-sequiturs and other random humor. I just had a nice time with this one so I wanted to bring it to the attention of this sub. Check it out if you get the chance. via /r/movies

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