The only future for Jurassic Park is dystopian

At this point in the franchise we're five movies and 37 lunchbox designs in. We can't possibly stomach another "wouldn't it be neat to have a park with dinosaurs hey wait where's that 32 tonne predator that I left over there a moment ago" instalment. The in-universe public wouldn't stand for it, the in real life public definitely won't.So, I think that the future of the franchise is to swerve Planet of the Apes and go post dino-apocalypse.I would eschew the kid-friendly approach and take it dark, just like the first half of the last Planet of the Apes movie. Dinosaurs have reproduced exponentially and taken over the planet. Our continued raping of the planet, thoughtless ravaging of natural resources, global warming and rising oceans mean that mankind is struggling for both food, resources and places to live that are safe from both dinosaur attacks and raids from hostile tribes.I'd write a storyline where the humans don't win; or if they do win, it's not a material victory, they just stay alive, repel a dino attack, secure the homestead, something like that. via /r/movies

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