So I finished Mulan (2020)...

... and its absolutely wack. I mean they removed a bunch of the elements that made the original movie good, and then the elements that they kept, they modified beyond recognition.For example, they removed Mushu, the musical numbers, Li Shang, the villain and Chi-Fu. Then they decided to make Mulan have superpowers because she can’t possibly learn how to be strong by herself, noooooo, she needs to have extremely high Chi which basically makes her a master of low gravity and gives her spring legs.And don’t even get me started on how the movie looks. It’s basically the same production quality/ filming quality as the CW shows. The characters can’t freaking move when talking for some reason, giving them a really monotonous voice which honestly made me want to fall asleep.Now I know that some people will find this movie good, and sure it’s your opinion, so have at it. But like I’d take the Lion King and Aladdin over this any day of the week.Kewlio via /r/movies

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