Gattaca (1997)

Gattaca (1997)Such a gorgeous movie. Watched it as a kid back when it came out, when I was 13. It made me cry!Watching it again, over 20 years later, really hits differently. This movie is art.The parents and brother were such assholes. For it to be set in the future, you would think their parenting skills would be better. Knowing full well how society treats people like Vincent differently, they should have made sure to raise their sons with a strong sense of brotherhood. From the beach scene, we see early on that Anton never respected Vincent. He didn’t see him as his brother, but someone inferior. The way the parents disregard Vincent’s aspirations is really cruel.I totally forgot that Jude Law was in this movie! He’s so good, and beautiful.Edit: Random thought. You would think that for Anton to be this specimen of amazing genetics, he’d have a better soul. Sympathy. Compassion. The way he never could see his brother, his own flesh and blood, as his equal is really disturbing to me. via /r/movies

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