M(1931) is a great movie.

M is one of the first movies about serial killers,the main Character Hans Beckert is a serial killer preying on children.the parents of the missing and dead children are angry,the trade unions and ordinary people teamed up to find the killer,by the end of the movie we Realize that The main character of the movie is a schizophrenic patient,he couldn't help himself when he was near a child.he didn't want to murder them, But he couldn't help himself.for most of the movie the main character of the movie was seen as a monster, only at the end is his schizophrenic self revealednumerous aspects of the film’s cinematography – most notably image contrast and camera position – convey these themes of presence and power.  Ultimately, with the humanization of a monster and the inversion of the power dynamic, it becomes difficult to determine which is more disturbed: Beckert or society. In the penultimate scene of Fritz Lang’s M (1931), mentally-disturbed child murderer Hans Beckert (Peter Lorre) falls to his knees before a kangaroo court and cries out, “I have to roam the streets endlessly, always sensing that someone’s following me. It’s me! I’m shadowing myself!”  Beckert’s monologue conveys that a disparity exists between his shadow and his self, and it becomes apparent that his self cannot exist without his shadow M(1931) is a must watch for noir/thriller and classic movie lovers. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2WvokhM

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