What are some of the worst arguments made to criticize a film, in your opinion?

In my opinion, the worst argument for criticizing a movie is simply calling it "overrated". First of all, it doesn't really say anything about what the movie is doing "wrong". Second, it isn't much of a criticism of the movie itself but rather for the praise of the film, which isn't relevant into judging the actual quality...
Meeting John Carpenter

Not sure if this is appropriate for this sub, but thought I'd share. Feel free to delete.I got the chance to meet John Carpenter ("The Thing", "Halloween", "Big Trouble in Little China" "They Live", " "Escape from New York", etc.) at Keystone Comic Con a few weeks ago. He signed my "The Thing" DVD, I got to ask him filmmaking...
Joker - Reviews

Tomatometer - 86%Avg Rating: 9.15/10Total Count: 22Fresh: 19Rotten: 3The Hollywood Reporter https://ift.tt/2HDjpDH https://twitter.com/IndieWire/status/1167848640494178304?s=20IGN https://ift.tt/32cqFhw Film https://ift.tt/2Hwsjmn https://ift.tt/32cqItI https://ift.tt/2HEzSHM https://ift.tt/32h6eA1 https://ift.tt/2HBpwIB...
I miss movie rentals

It's Friday night and all I want to do is go rent some movies and maybe a video game but I can't . I have literally thousands of movies and games at my immediate disposal but all I want to do is get in my car and go peruse the aisles of a tackily carpeted rental store so I can find an old ass copy of Garbage Pail Kids...
Richard Donner's "Ladyhawke" is a epic and romantic medieval fantasy film worth seeing. Michelle Pfeiffer takes your breath away as a cursed princess and Rutger Hauer is superb as a tragic hero with a secret. The music will blow your mind.

I caught it on cable, a movie channel. My first reaction was, this looks interesting. It was an 80s movie starring Matthew Broderick in a period adventure film so I wasn't expecting a lot but it kept getting better and better and better.First, the MUSIC. Omg, I want to buy the soundtrack. It's soooooooo beautiful and...
Just left the 20th Anniversary showing of The Matrix and I can’t believe in all my viewings I have never noticed this until now...

During the opening scene I noticed the camera’s attention to the room number that Trinity was sitting in when the cops arrive, 303. I immediately though, “hmm that’s definitely intentional...”In the final chase to the phone Neo and the agents arrive at a rundown hotel. Agent Smith stops outside and looks upward as the...
Official Discussion - Peanut Butter Falcon [SPOILERS]

PollIf you've seen the film, please rate it at this poll.If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here.RankingsClick here to see rankings for 2019 filmsClick here to see rankings for every poll doneSummary:Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from a residential nursing...
'Ad Astra' Review Thread

Rotten Tomatoes: 89% (9 reviews) with 8.67 in averageMetacritic: 86/100 (13 critics)As with other movies, the scores are set to change as time passes. Meanwhile, I'll post some short reviews on the movie.This sci-fi spin on Heart of Darkness is a self-conscious movie about a self-conscious man, a dutiful son who's increasingly...
Are there any movies that can help a son with the loss of their mother?

Hey Reddit,I grew up in a home raised by a single mom. I have always been emotionally impacted by films and was wondering if anyone had suggestions about films that can help with the grieving process.I lost my mom to stage four colon cancer. I thought I could handle but it’s really left me feeling empty and it’s been...