If you’re not interested in seeing a movie or don’t care about a certain franchise you don’t have to tell everyone.

With the recent thread about JJ Abrams and the trailer for Lion King it’s a good time to mention that if you don’t like something you don’t have to enter the discussion about it.It’s especially bad when it’s clear the discussion isn’t even about the set photo, interview, trailer, article or whatever is even posted.This is a sub about movies. We should all be having fun, productive conversations. It’s no fun to turn your nose up at everything in the comments section.Edit: this thread has turned for the worse. Let me at least try and clarify I’m not saying anyone needs to be stripped of their rights or threads need to be locked down. Just that if you’re not a fan of Marvel movies you really don’t need to share that in every thread. We should be having fun discussions, not angry spite filled flame wars. We can just be more intentional and have a much better time via /r/movies http://bit.ly/2UKNPvf

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