What was the best film you watched this week? (17/12/2018 - 23/12/2018)

The /r/movies BEST OF 2018 series returns this Thursday, December 27! As you attempt to recover from your holiday parties, think back to all the new movies you watched this year, and tell us about the ones you loved!DateTopicThursday, December 27Best Score of 2018Friday, December 28Best Trailer of 2018Saturday, December 29Best Scene from a 2018 FilmSunday, December 30Best Performance of 2018*Monday, December 31Best Film of 2018Tuesday, January 1Most Anticipated Film of 2019*The customary Sunday "What was the best film you watched this week?" thread, to discuss all the other movies not from 2018 that you enjoyed that week, will be posted on December 30 as well.The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It doesn't have to be a new release, just any film you have seen over the last seven days that you feel is worth talking about. Here are some rules.1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already.2. Please post your favourite film of last week.3. NO TV SHOWS!4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags. Report any comments that spoil recent / little-known films (e.g. Aquaman) without using the spoiler tag.5. Comments that only contain the title of the film will be removed!Here are some great comments from last week's thread:Aquaman, they finished principal photography and the move was in post production for over a year and it completely shows that. The movie looks fantastic, sound editing is incredible, the way it changes when they are on the surface and when they go under water. James Wan truly did something many believed was difficult or near impossible, he made an mind blowing Aquaman movie, big credit also goes for Jason Momoa for adding his personal touch to the character. The movie have a few dialogue issues and a few weird song choices, but the action is incredible, you cant help yourself but agree with most of what the villains are fighting for, and a variety of side characters that you will wish you can see more. As far as superhero movies goes, this does a great a job introducing the character and the world he lives in, making way for a sequel that can be more focused.Hard to choose but I'll give it to Paris, Texas (1984) – dir. Wim Wenders. Got to see it in my art house theatre, and I absolutely loved it. Harry Dean Stanton brings such a great performance, seemingly transitioning from a child-like adult to a grizzly and haunted man. Nastassja Kinski is incredible as well, and so is everyone in this film(the child especially impressed me) except for perhaps the French actress for Ann. Not enough time has gone for me to collect my thoughts on it or to understand the whole picture, but I know that I just watched an incredible film. My first from German director Wim Wenders, and now I’m excited to check out his other acclaimed film, Wings of Desire, although before watching this movie I didn’t know it was the same director that made them. Great director nonetheless. Even though I saw nothing from Harry Dean Stanton while he was alive, I've been thinking about the movie and overall just being sad about his death all night long. Great actor.Much Ado About Nothing (1993) - Haven’t seen this since I watched it in class and I get the sense this isn’t the most beloved Shakespeare adaption, but god did I love it. It’s looks gorgeous. The music is stunning. The overall aesthetic is the best, very summer evening vibes. It has a pretty stacked cast and Keanu Reeves doesn’t actually seem to bad in it as I once thought. I found Robert Sean Leonard a stand-out, but then I’m biased and just love his melodramatic, loud but sweet portrayal of Claudio. This film is honestly just so fun, much like the most of the cast, I just never stopped smiling and having fun. Humour and dumb romance overshadows even the more tense moments. Overall, definitely recommend if you haven’t checked it out already.For further expansion of the rules, please read this link.Have fun and play nice! via /r/movies http://bit.ly/2Taen4X

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