Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) has not only barely aged, it looks better than a lot of modern movies

Didn’t realise I’d only seen bits and bobs of this incredible movie. Knew it was a mix of animation and live action, I’d seen Corridor Crew react to it, but it wasn’t until I saw it properly as an adult that I really appreciated it.Good lord, the lighting, the interaction between the toons and the actors - there were moments when I audibly shouted out “how!?“ it’s just incredible.You really don’t get stuff like this anymore, studios barely take a chance on this - sure they’ll reboot Space Jam, but the techniques fall short, it isn’t the same.Anyway, I know it’s a well known movie, but I honestly wasn’t expecting to be so bowled over by it. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3qNLrBY

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