Is Snowpiercer (2013) worth watching?

What do you think, is Snowpiercer (2013) worth watching? A lot of people said it's a good movie. Did you watch it? Can you explain what's happening in the movie, because the trailer doesn't say a lot about it. What is your opinion? What similar movies should I watch after watching it? Thank you for your answers! via /r/movies...
Willem Dafoe cursing Robert Pattinson with Poseidon's wrath is the best scene I've seen in ages
This Halloween, please remember to take a moment to be thankful that we have never been subjected to a remake of The Nightmare Before Christmas starring Johnny Depp as a quirky, off-beat, more fuckable Jack Skellington

Since remakes of this kind were, for a good few years, the substantial bulk of Johnny Depp's acting portfolio, with the assistance of Nightmare Before Christmas producer Tim Burton, it's actually pretty surprising that this hasn't happened yet.I know that the Hot Topic-ification of the movie has ruined it for some people,...
Napoleon Dynamite has such a lovely ending.

First we get Music for a found Harmonium then we get to see Napoleon play Deb in tetherball and the movie just elevates itself to a different level.Perfect usage of The Promise by When In Rome. When Napoleon gets it going and wraps the ball all the way up it's just fantastic. I remember my dad have a big grin on his face.The...
Do people exagerate how much they dislike movies?

In these last years or so, we constantly see people saying X movie was the "worst movie X person has seen", or that it's the worst movie ever, or using many radically charged similar sentences like that they walked away from the theater because they disliked a movie, which is something I never saw any person doing in...
Essential Horror Movies as Ranked by r/Movies

I asked r/movies what the essential horror movies were. Hundreds of redditors weighed in. The results actually gave a killer list:Alien, 1979, Ridley Scott, 48 mentionsHalloween, 1978, John Carpenter, 45 mentionsThe Exorcist, 1973, William Friedkin, 40 mentionsThe Thing, 1982, John Carpenter, 36 mentionsThe Shining, 1980,...
What is the Best Film You Watched Last Week? (10/24/21-10/31/21)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It can be any new or old release that you want to talk about.{REMINDER: The Threads Are Posted On Sunday Mornings. If Not Pinned, They Will Still Be Available in the Sub.}Here are some rules:1. Check to see if your favorite film of last...
George Romero's lost 3.5 hr B&W cut of Martin has been found
La LA Land is a beautiful movie with a heartfelt ending.

At the end of La La Land when Ryan Gosling sees Emma Stone and plays the melody from their first meeting, that whole scene was beautiful. I've never seen regret shot so beautifully before. That's the definition of "show don't tell" and it worked perfectly.I know it was a little corny, but I felt that was the whole idea...
Why you should watch The Elephant Man

The Elephant Man covers the Last years of John Merrick (John Hurt), a real 19th century man who had a still unknown condition that caused his body and face to be horribly deformed for his entire life, and the Surgeon who tries to help him (Anthony Hopkins).It's got some big names, David Lynch directs, Mel Brooks produced...
Blair Witch Project

As it's Halloween tomorrow...(SPOILERS FOR BLAIR WITCH PROJECT)How many of you remember being told The Blair Witch Project was real? And reading about it online? I was one of those people, and I believed it for a bit, but understood it to be fake somewhat quickly and ended up going to see the movie knowing it was fake.But...
"Kill Bill" was supposed to give Uma Thurman her comeback. Instead, it kept her from advancing to the next stage.

For years, I wondered what happened to Uma Thurman's career after KILL BILL. I remember how hyped Kill Bill: Vol.1 and the strong reception it got. When Uma Thurman was cast, people were skeptical but when the movie came out, the public was wowed. It was uncanny.So I was shocked by how little that movie did for her career....
What are some film trilogies that were left incomplete?

Okay, so recently I watched The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo for the seventh time. It's direction, atmosphere, score and performances (Especially Rooney Mara) are phenomenal. However, it always leaves me craving more of the adventures of Mara's Lisbeth Salander.So, I wondered what other movies suffered the same faith as...
What movie scene holds a permanent space in your brain?

There are a lot of movie scenes that can leave a lasting impression.For me it’s the scene in Interstellar on the planet with the giant waves. The dread and adrenaline when they realize it’s not just mountains in the distance has stuck with me ever since the first time I watched it. Just the thought of the scene fills...
Most versatile director?

I'm trying to think of which director has had the most varied career, where they've had success with many different types of movies.For example, there's George Miller who's made kids films like Babe & Happy Feet but has also made the intense Mad Max films. Also there's Steven Soderbergh who's done slick capers, harrowing...
Just finished watching 'Requiem For a Dream'(2000). Jennifer Connelly stole the show in my opinion

Don't get me wrong, Burstyn and Leto are absolutely phenomenal, but it's Connelly's acting that made my gut spasm. How the mischievous tingle in her eyes just dies and is replaced by emptiness, how her cravings completely hijack and get the better of her, how she absolutely hates and detests the sexual stuff but continues...
The Faculty was a Well Executed Fun Horror/Suspense Movie for the Late 90's

Took a trip down memory lane and watched The Faculty the other night and I gotta say, it's still a solid horror/suspense movie. Sure, it borrows from things like 'Invasion of the body snatchers' but is self aware enough to make it known in the movie.The whole premise of this chaos going down, people getting infected and...
Are there any movies where the hero actually takes the villains offer and joins them?

The villain/antagonist says something along the lines of “join me and you could have all the power” “I can give you anything you want” “together, we can rule the world” or something of that varietyAnd instead of taking the protagonist or hero approach and valiantly fighting for what is right, the hero actually agrees...
I think it's already been said before, but "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" is a masterpiece.

It's become one of those movies that, if it's on TV, that's what I'm watching. Today I caught it at the beginning and decided to watch it with subtitles, which I've been doing lately and it changed so many scenes for the better! Scenes that had a lesser meaning to me I finally understood and had it totally wrong. There...
Boss Level (2021) is an exciting, fun and surprisingly emotional movie that deserves more praise (Mild spoilers in description)

This movie seemed to come out with little to no fanfare. I've seen it twice now and loved it both times. Free Guy seemed to be loved on Reddit but I honestly thought it was poor, this was just like a jacked up Free Guy to me. The car chases are incredibly well filmed and whilst the CGI is shaky at times (probably due...
What movie’s final battle is inferior to a battle that happened earlier in the film

I was watching Road House the other day and while I was watching the final battle I thought “ damn that fight where he ripped the guy’s throat out seems much more fitting for a final battle than this actual final battle.” Why couldn’t they just have swapped them. I would rather have seen Patrick Swayze’s character take...
Just Re-Watched “The Nice Guys”

Such a great movie, I don’t think it got the full attention it deserved. The chemistry between Crowe and Gossling is electric. Shane Black’s background in the buddy cop genre obviously gives him an edge here, but it shows that his approach to the genre has matured. It’s one of those things where I would love to see the...
In The Princess Bride, Vizzini was too smart for this own good. He was actually correct in deducing that he could drink from neither cup.

This is a revelation that seemed a little more obvious in the book. In the movie, it makes him look like he's being wishy washy and stalling, but he does in fact end up being right. And then when TDPR drinks, you can see Vizzini wait for him so that he knows it's okay to drink from his own cup. He did everything right...