Official Oscar Bingo Submission Thread 2021

Eighth annual Oscar Bingo. If this event were a child it would be able to do algebra.Hey everyone. Excited for the Oscars? Well so are we! So much, in fact, that several years ago we thought of a completely ridiculous and inane activity for all of us to take part in on the big night. We call it Oscar Bingo, because that's exactly what it is. It's been a great success every year, everyone has lots of fun, and it doesn't really cost us much money so we're doing it again!Last year's submission threadLast year's card pickup threadLast year's game threadList of nominees for this yearHere's how it works!Submit ideas for things that might happen during the Oscars. Oscars only, no preshow. Example: "Someone mispronounces Saoirse Ronan" or "Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't laugh at a joke made about him." Keep it light and let's keep things like "Eurovision wins Best Picture" off the gamecards, it limits possibilities.The mods reserve the right to execute editorial control over the final bingo squares. Our intent is to make the game more playable based on previous year's experience.Once we have collected submissions for a couple of days, we will un-sticky the thread and start to make game cards with your suggestions. Our friends over at will again be doing some specialty work with us for this. Please only take what you need so everyone can play!We will post a gamecard pickup thread the day before the Oscars. All you will have to do is follow the link in the thread, do the captcha, and save the PDF file with your card on it.We'll post the game thread Oscar Sunday. The point of the Game Thread is to discuss game related things and for me to make final decisions on the more open to interpretation squares. It will be stickied and there will be prizes for winners.SOME NOTES ABOUT THIS YEARObviously, this is a year unlike any other. I'm curious how it goes. So far we have never gone a year without getting three clear winners and hopefully that doesn't change this year. But to make sure everyone is on the same page, rememberThere will be NO ZOOM CALLS at the Oscars. They aren't allowing them so if you think the Golden Globes gave you some sick ammo for suggestions, that's not the case.This will be a live show with only presenters and nominees present, and for the third year in a row there will be no official singular host. I'm not sure if the presenters will be watching it like an audience, so maybe stay away from "reaction shot" squares. Tommy Lee Jones and Spike Lee can't save you this year.For more information, I found [ particularly helpful.Just remember, if you make a suggestion that involves a zoom call I may publicly mock you for not reading the whole post.Here is a list of presenters:Angela BassettHalle BerryBong Joon HoDon CheadleBryan CranstonLaura DernHarrison FordRegina KingMarlee MatlinRita MorenoJoaquin PhoenixBrad PittReese WitherspoonRenée ZellwegerZendayaHere's some "official" rules:Submissions must be 80 characters or less. They gotta fit in them bingo squares!As mentioned, don't submit anything impossible or too ridiculous. Hyperbole is no one's friend in bingo.We will be taking the top submissions, so be sure to vote on your favorites! The thread will be randomized so take a moment to scroll and find your favorites!Try not to get too specific. The fun of Bingo is that a square could happen any moment. Predicting winners or getting too specific limits the fun!You can submit about anything that might happen at the Oscars, but not the preshow. Nobody wants the game to be over before it begins!Have fun!SUBMIT YOUR OSCAR SQUARE ENTRIES BELOW80 characters or less and don't forget to vote! via /r/movies

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