Watched Train to Busan- wow

After the whole zombie craze of the 2010s I just about had it with these things. All the movies, tv shows, and video games just about did for me. So I watched this on Amazon the other day, it just came out of nowhere on the recommended feed. Was reluctant at first, but I figured it’s quarantine so why not. I must say what a pleasant surprise. I actually cared about the characters, felt their ups and downs, and even felt genuinely scared for them in some moments. There’s character development and vulnerability. Not like in that bullshit World War Z movie where Brad Pitt was pretty much a superhero, he automatically knew how to do everything. The main character in this movie is just an everyday father, and not really a good person to start out with. That’s what this film and Snowpiercer did so well with its main characters, they didn’t make them all around good people but helped them become good people at the end of both movies. Kind of like “The Incident” (1967) (another great train movie) its the theme of what would you do if you were in a certain situation. I liked that a lot. I motion for more action movies from here on out to be set on trains, because that setting worked a lot for this movie. It makes sense because it’s an enclosed space with nowhere to go, I feel closed in just riding 30 min on the LIRR so imagine how grueling that would be with bloodthirsty zombies thrown in the mix. Anyways, 5 out of 5. via /r/movies

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