Predator is one of the best action movies ever made

After watching Predator recently I have to say its one of the best action movies ever made, but not only is it an amazing action movie, its an amazing sci-fi movie too, some people call Predator a mindless action movie, but I think there is much more under the surface than people give it credit for.The first thing I love about Predator is that it starts out like your standard 80s action movie, guys with huge muscles? Check, main characters who never have to reload? Check, bad guys who have stormtrooper aim? Check, we see these commandos destroy an entire base in a big action scene filled with explosions, but then Predator turns into horror movie in the 2nd act, we see these commandos that were shown decimating an entire base get picked off like teenagers in a horror movie, which just shows how dangerous the Predator is.Another thing I love about Predator is the pacing, in the first 20 minutes the characters find skinned bodys and we are led to believe that its the guerilla forces, but we see that there is something following them, and the film lets you get to know the characters before the Predator picks them off, something many horror or action films dont do so much nowadays, which leads me to another thing I love about the movie.The characters of Predator are all very likable, in the beginning the film shows you their comradery as they crack jokes, and they tell each other about previous jobs they have been on, and then you see how effortlessly they work together when they attack the guerilla camp, the film makes you believe that these commandos have all worked together, and the film makes you care about the characters when they get killed off.Another thing I love about the film is the Predator itself, its one of the best movie monsters of all time and its up there with the xenomorph with just how iconic it is, Stan Winston knocked it out of the park with the creature affects, and just the design of the creature is amazing, the film makes you forget that its a guy in a suit and it makes you believe that there is an actual alien onscreen.Predator is not just a film about epic one liners and explosions, its a film with a lot under the surface and if you are a fan of action movies or just movies in general you owe it to yourself to watch Predator. via /r/movies

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