Does anyone remember We Bought A Zoo? Not super amazing but Still an enjoyable

I have watch this movie about a dozens times and for someone reason I have always been drawn to this movie ever since it was release. Granted I didn't see it in theaters but one day it was on TV and I just fell in love with it. Even though the it standard family movie, I was just so drawn to plot.The entire plot was just so enticing and I was rooting for Ben the entire way of the movie. The story was simple but you as the viewer were introduced to him, his kids and the some of the staff of the zoo. I loved the supporting cast and enjoyed the dialogue between Matt damon and everyone. But its not just about Ben story about buying a zoo, it's about his inner troubles about losing his wife and how it affects the way he works and how it affects his childrenNow I am not super involved with all of Damon movies but man he could just play the average, standard single dad pretty well. His relationship with his son is the best part of the movie and both actors really were able to perform off the script really well.But not only is the movie pretty good, the soundtrack by Jónsi really drives it home. I feel like since I am so used to movie I can tell his scoring is really predicatible but still makes every scene emotional and a little warm in side.I don't really recommend this movie a whole lot, but if your looking for a nice heartwarming movie I'd say go for it. via /r/movies

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